Smart Outsource

Why Offshore?

Save – Growth – Profit

It's all about saving without compromising standard of work

outsource accounting bookekeeping cheap offshore
‘Outsource’ and ‘Offshoring’ or ‘Offshore Staff’ has turn out to be a very common practice in last decade and so. With the rapid advancements of technology and globalization, what was once thought impossible 15 to 20 years back, can now be done simply with the click of few buttons. Globalization is a blessing, but it brought fierce competitions to any business. Clients can have access to same services you offer from international market, mainly from Asian countries, for fraction of a price. Solutions? The businesses now need to work smarter than ever before in order to stay competitive and money-making.

Studies show that, for most businesses in Australia and other first world countries, the largest anchor which drags your profit margin is labor cost. Outsourcing and offshore employment offers greater budget agility and control. It helps reduces cost and time to hire and train dedicated staff, makes available specialized expertise, and can reduce capital, operating costs and risk. Hiring offshore staffs enables you to improve efficiency and service quality of your business while at the same time enabling you to reduce your labor and operating costs by 50% – 70%. The cost benefits of outsourcing come from various form/ sides. Some of them are:

Significant Cost Reduction up to 70%

Offshoring helps to cut cost directly as well as indirectly too. Direct cost cutting involve much lower salary and lower cost on incentives provided to the employee. It is possible because of most offshoring destinations, i.e. Bangladesh, India, offer much lower labor and infrastructure costs compared to Europe, Australia and North American standards.

All the offshore countries have very low living cost and business maintenance expenditure, therefore much lower wages. Again, lower salary doesn’t mean that lower living standard. For example. A staff earning 1000 USD in Bangladesh can live comfortably, with family, in a 2 bedroom flat (avg. 150 – 200 USD) with food and transport expenses varies from 200 – 300 USD. Hence, a company can benefit from hiring or engaging services offshore, significantly reducing their costs.

The indirect cost saving is related to infrastructure, furniture, rent, utility which do not show clearly on your book, it has a significant effect. Offshoring helps to reduce associates cost related to employment –redundancy, long service leave, legal cost in dispute.

outsource accounting bookekeeping cheap offshore
outsource accounting bookekeeping cheap offshore

Increase Focus & Efficiency

Besides cutting cost considerably, offshoring helps to increase company focus and efficiency manifolds. Offshoring gives you access to wide range of talent and experts in your chosen fields. The skills and expertise of our candidates shall raise the productivity curve to the highest level. Smart Outsource helps to strategies your business plan of offshoring, select the right candidate, train them and provide them continuous support so that they are always on with the business proceeding.

We value yours as well as our time and make sure it is well utilized and invested to fulfillment clients need. We take care of all job and employee related headache, while you fan focus on more important segment of business like growth, marketing and profitability.

Reduce Risks

Employees are a very integral part of any business success. More often than not, they also become challenge to be maintained. Employee turnover, performance drops, low morale, are common associated risk with hiring employee. But here in Smart Outsource, we have team and experts as well as counselor to help employees to be high spirited and best of optimism. We support them whenever they need, whether it is related to skills, challenges or emotional issues.

Another main significant way Smart Outsource helps its clients by handling unexpected or unannounced employee turnover. We always have other candidates trained on the same skilled or related skilled, who can help you immediately or even join your team. It can save a tremendous amount of time lost otherwise which might affect your business adversely.

When hiring offshore services many companies are concerned about their data getting exposed. However, they should think otherwise. But Smart Outsource works under strict measures in a controlled environment to protect our client’s data. We follow standard procedures according to international standards and data privacy laws. We use different security measures, including software services like ‘Practice Protect’ and ‘OneLogin’. Our SLA follows international as well as principles to ensure strict security of data we handle or have access to.

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